Wishesland Volunteer

WishesLander Application Form

Yes, I would like to be a WishesLander!

Type of volunteer jobs that I would like to participate is as follows (Please tick and you can tick more than 1 options)

I want to be a Volunteer of

Wishesland Sibu

  • The success of Wishesland Sibu thus far is mainly
  • due to the enormous amount of contribution, dedication,
  • and sacrifices from our volunteers-Wisheslanders.
  • They come from all walks of life, from professional
  • doctors and professors to young children.

  • They have helped in every capacity possible, including
  • cleaning the compound, providing counselling to parents,
  • helping out in activities and events, or even just by
  • being morally supportive as well as being a
  • close companion to the children’s parents.

  • There is no word to effectively express our feeling of
  • thankfulness to all these Wisheslanders. They are
  • the foundation of the hopes and dreams of Wishesland Sibu.
  • It is as if what the cerebral palsy children
  • are lacking is then made up by these Wisheslanders.